We’re still on sacrifices, and how exactly they are made.
For one thing, the hearth on the slaughter site is to be kept blazing. It is not to go out. A priest is to pile on wood every morning.
For another thing, the priest is supposed to wear linen pants so that his “flesh” will not be exposed.
The priest is to change his clothing before he takes the ashes from a sacrifice and puts them in a “pure” place outside the camp.
The grain is to be set aside with oil and frankincense (an herb valued in ancient times as a medicine and as incense.) Some of it is to be burnt up and some of it is to be eaten, in a holy place, by Aaron and his sons as matzah.
Probably you were wondering what would happen if the priest’s clothes got splattered in the blood of the offering. Well, here’s what is to be done: The spot on which the blood is spattered must be scrubbed in a holy place.
In the case of a guilt or a sin offering, the priest is to burn up the fat and the liver of the animal, then everything else goes to the priests.
Food for Thought
How do you feel about killing animals?