Did you know that the holidays, which we now think of as times to get together with family, were celebrated in a very different way in Biblical times? Holidays, in the Torah, were for resting and for sacrificing animals.
Passover: bulls, seven lambs, flour mixed with oil, and one goat. Also, you only get to eat matzoh.
Shavuot: two bulls, one ram, seven lambs, flour mixed with oil, and a hairy goat.
Rosh Hashanah: a bull, a ram, seven lambs, flour mixed with oil, and a hairy goat. You’re also supposed to blow the shofar.
Yom Kippur: a bull, a ram, 7 lambs, flour mixed with oil, and another hairy goat.
Sukkot: bulls, two rams, lambs, flour mixed with oil, and yet another hairy goat. This repeats for eight days. You’re also supposed to go on a pilgrimage.
Food for Thought
Would you want to live in the days when holidays were observed with sacrifices?