Online resources for use by the Hebrew School community.
This section contains prayers sung by Cantor Ruth with the tunes we use at HCS, listed in alphabetical order:
- Adon Olam 1
- Adon Olam 2 (call and response)
- Aitz Chayim
- Aleinu
- Avot v Imahot
- Beginning Torah Blessing
- Chanukah blessings
- Ending Torah Blessing
- Four Questions
- Friday night Barchu
- Friday night Kiddush
- Gvurot
- Kiddush
- Mi Chamocha
- Motzi
- Oseh Shalom
- Oseh Shalom (Traditional)
- Returning the Torah
- Shabbat candle blessings
- Shechecheyanu Friedman
- Shma
- Taking out the Torah
- V’ahavta
- Vzot HaTorah