Korach repeats to us what we’ve heard in Bamidbar and Nasso. The Levites are to take care of the Tent of Appointment (Ohel Moed), the Holy Shrine and the slaughter site. Anybody else who comes near the Ohel Moed is to be put to death.
Aaron is put in charge of all the gifts given by the children of Israel: first-born sons and first-born animals. Unlike the animals — who are sacrificed — the humans are to be redeemed at age one month. The fee to buy one back is five silver shekels.
Oxen, sheep and goats, on the other hand, get eaten. God gets the soothing smoke, and part of the meat is for Aaron.
God tells Aaron that the sons of Levi don’t get any land in Israel. But they do get all tithes (taxes). This is in return for them taking care of the Ohel Moed. In turn, they give a tenth of their tithes to Aaron.
Food for Thought
Aaron gets the breast and the right thigh from sacrifices. Where do you think the rest of the meat goes?