Register your child for Hebrew School for the Fall
Call (914) 24809532
to come meet our new Hebrew School Director at an Open House.
Click here for information about our school

We are a small, friendly and caring synagogue in Northern Westchester County.
We draw families from Somers, Katonah, Lewisboro, Mahopac, Peekskill, Yorktown Heights, South Salem, North Salem, Goldens Bridge and more.
“על שלושה דברים העולם עומד: על התורה, ועל העבודה, ועל גמילות החסדים”
“The world stands on three things: on Torah, on Divine worship and on acts of loving-kindness.”
(Pirke Avot 1:2)
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About Our Congregation
We are lucky to be part of a living tradition that evolves along with our changing times. At HCS we lean Reconstructionist, and encourage living a mitzvah-centered life over a self-centered one. With a spirit of joy, music, and creativity we bring more light, more love, more healing and more justice to the world.
We celebrate diversity in our community and embrace people of all races, gender expressions and sexual identifications. All members of multi-faith families will find warmth and belonging at HCS. We welcome the wide spectrum of beliefs that exist among us, uplifting our differences along with our points of connection.
Please join us at our Reconstructionist synagogue in beautiful Northern Westchester.