HCS is committed to the work of anti-racism as an essential part of our justice work. This is our Anti-Racism Statement, created in committee, edited and approved by the Board:
Justice, justice shall you pursue. – Deuteronomy 16:20 (Parashat Shoftim)
The Hebrew Congregation of Somers condemns systemic racism that led to the brutal murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and so many other Black men, women, and children. We stand with and mourn with their families and communities.
We acknowledge that these killings are only the most recent and visible expression of four centuries of inhumane treatment, oppression, racism, and injustice. We are committed to supporting the systemic changes necessary to assure that Black people in our nation are guaranteed safety, dignity, justice, and equality.
We stand together against all acts of racial and ethnic injustice, hate, and oppression in our communities and in our country.
Justice, justice shall we pursue.